Minor Repair
A Piano is made up of so many parts, and some parts easily wear-and-tear and break. Some broken parts can be seen and some cannot. This Minor Repair Service is for the parts which are broken and can be fixed on site.
When does your piano benefit from a Minor Repair?
- If you have a broken string - if you heard a big ‘Clung!’ from your piano, and a certain key does not make a sound anymore. This is possibly because of a broken string
- One or more keys do not make any sound when you depress
- One or more keys are not making sound, or making a strange sound when you depress
- The key does not work well or does not look fine
- The key tops are broken or missing
Minor repair and regulation are often intertwined.
Minor Repair Service time is varied, depending on which parts need repair and the condition of the piano.
Charged at £35.00/hour plus the material cost. Work time agreed following assessment of piano.