Piano Life Saver Installation

Infinity Piano Services is a certified installer of the Piano Life Saver system. The Piano Life Saver System, produced by Dampp Chaser Corporation, is the humidity maintenance system for the piano (both Upright Piano and Grand Piano), which is carefully installed inside the piano. There are 2 types of systems: installation of only dehumidifier, and another system is to both humidify and dehumidify the piano, which is autpomatically adjusted by the humidistat.

Change of humidity and temperature is one of the main causes of instability of tuning. The ideal humidity is considered to be 40-60%. The Piano Life Saver system is proven to adjust the humidity in the piano, thus stabilising the tuning of the piano.

When does your piano benefit from installing a Piano Life Saver?

-  Tuning of your piano is unstable, and frequently in need of tuning

-  Piano is surrounded by an environment where humidity and temparature fluctuates

Installation of a Piano Life Saver takes a whole day.

Please contact to learn about the option and obtain a free quote.